my aphrodisiac, my intoxication

Fact: Words are the greatest aphrodisiac

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May 3, 2010

Credentials, and everything in between

This is probably the most longest overdue posts of all. Was hibernating due to personal commitments and with that absence, blog comes wif a new fresh of look and an endless posts of thoughts and ramblings sealed with great penache that follows. So spare me the shame for the long hiatus folks!

Here are the few moral activities that happened along the year 2009:

I got Hitched
Yes, you heard me right. The wedding was simple tapi MERIAH. Thank you to those who came and especially to my ITB friends, colleagues and families that worked hard on every stage of the event to ensure everything went smoothly (though I've conveyed these appreciation message earlier on and truly sorry to those who only manage to read it today). Thankiess, esp to my fabulous sistasss and galsss too :) After the long bachelorette life, 2009, i finally tied the knot..who knew :) Tinn, ur ass is up next! ha!

London, Paris, New York
Minus Paris. Honeymoon was overwhelmingly incredible. Almost cancelled the US trip due to H1N1 outbreak! Saved by the jab. p.s. SJ, am yours now :)

Aunty's Wedding
The long awaited wedding of my aunt was a history made, and remembered. Alas she found a candidate haha

Long Time Coming
My gudd friend Yaty's home fer good after a badass 5years of studying abroad. Welcome home babe!!

New Boss
Looking forward fer a new chapter

Singapore Trip
..on my birthday! Thank you SJ.

Other than that, I shall be posting few photos to corraborate my fairytale. So fer now, I am Mrs. SJ to some, but still Lil' Suzay to all ;)

Life IS sugar-coatedly wonderful. Have a great start all!