my aphrodisiac, my intoxication

Fact: Words are the greatest aphrodisiac

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January 2, 2008

Memory Lane 2007

These are some of the pixx taken along the year 2007. These are partially the faces that had walked into my life (directly or not). The joy, presence and history-made is yet unmistakable. The shots taken speaks a thousand words. Let the pix tell their stories. Enjoy.

Candids or feature presentation, you name it.

The dudes of RTB Promo Section (currently known as Media Baru Unit) that I worked wif..I miss hangin out wif the boys!

From left: Khairul, Hamdillah, Juwl, Me, Boy and Azrey

Missing in action: Hj Al, Azian, Mahadi and the ladies

Shenaniganz Wrote: 2008, a new chapter =)