my aphrodisiac, my intoxication

Fact: Words are the greatest aphrodisiac

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The official 2007/2008 Telephone Directory

The TelBru GTE 2007/2008 result is out. Devin Kho grabs the best design of the front cover thus won himself a BND2,500 prize. I gotta say his work is starting to get my attention lately. Even his gallery blooms in beauty. Well the rest weren't so bad either. You know, "it's the effort that counts" (cliche! cliche! cliche!). I'm truly impressed wif local Bruneians nowadays who are profesionally / indirectly engaged in multimedia and digital photography. Souljah and Har's obsession wif these toys during our studies at ITB just came to my senses now..Oh well, I just started getting my hands dirty back playing hard wif MX Flash, Illustrator and 3D max lately. I'm too left behind.Overall, congratulations to the winner.

Shenaniganz Wrote: I'm a proud bruneian it sucks x)