Just when you thought Johnny Depp would step out of the movie scene at any time now, he's NOT! *hah* A beautiful review on this musical movie is on it's way
Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
A new movie from Tim Burton. It's a seriously twisted movie yet Johnny sweetheart just burn wif flames (in my eyes). I tried not to blink much cuz I wouldn't want to miss his criminal look that's just soow melting! It's a rare view to see my favourite pirate in this harrowing mellowdrama flick *super drool* Hope Syuk's wouldn't mind me saying this cuz honay, you're still the best -ever ;D Back to the reason of this post, Johnny as a poor guy coming back to London just to find his wife was dead and his daughter in the hands of the evil judge Turpin. So how does an angry dad gets his child back? A series of murderous rampagefor sure but you gotta watch the movie to find out just a little bit more! My ratings - a super saxayy 8.5!
Shenaniganz Wrote: savvayy darling~~ They haf catchy songs in it too!
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